20 - 22 July, Caudan Arts Centre.
Innovation • Technology • Community

Being the largest IT Community in Mauritius, we are so passionate about the tech world that doing the Developers Conference is a must. With the Virtual Conference, we missed the human touch where people exchange and interact with each other.

Mark your calendar, save the dates and join us for the Developers Conference 2023 with multiple sessions over 3 whole days of technical geekery as well as various evening entertainments. Come and meet our Partners for recruitment and internship opportunities at their different booths. We have some surprises also in store for you! So, come, and let's have some fun!

Our valued allies

Sponsors & Partners

Mercury (Diamond Tier)

Venus (Titanium Tier)

Earth (Platinum Tier)

Mars (Gold Tier)

Jupiter (Silver Tier)

Saturn (Bronze Tier)

Speaker Sponsor

Internet Sponsor

Hosting Sponsor

Networking Hour Sponsor

Media Partner

Entertainment Sponsor